28 Dec Home workouts during Coronavirus Outbreak by Tanny Bhatt
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Hey guys, how are you doing in this lockdown? Well that’s not one of the best questions to ask at the moment, as the majority of us are having issues like – boredom, weight gain anxiety, uncertainty and fear, etc. But, that’s not all, many people have finally got ample of time to do what they were never able to do and thus they have evolved into a better being by exploring creativity, self-motivation, fitness and goal setting, etc. But those who have found a reason skip their fitness regime as gym, yoga studio, zumba classes or fitness clubs are closed, it’s not at all good for you. In lockdown, everything is closed except your motivation to stay fit and healthy, even when you can’t step out of your home.
So if you are bored with the Quarantine mode, it’s time to learn some home workouts to keep yourself and your family fit. It’s time to put on those shoes or just take your Mat and make no excuses for skipping workout because #MATISENOUGH. This hashtag I had created so that I could spread my word to everyone that a Mat is enough to workout. Now here are some home workouts that I have listed here for you guys
Easy home workouts to do in Lockdown 2.0
If you have not yet started doing home workouts, lockdown 2.0 has all the reasons now to get used to it. We do not know when this situation is going to be normal so it’s better to do home workouts and keep yourself fit for COVID19, where health and immunity is the best tool to fight this deadly virus. These are 8 best workouts everyone can practice at home as #MATISENOUGH
1. Surya Namaskar
Being a fitness coach, I find this the best workout and everyone should do it daily, especially nowadays, when there is not much physical activity happening at home. Though Surya Namaskar can be done at any time of the day, the most appropriate and beneficial time is at sunrise, when your stomach remains empty. It is also beneficial during the sunsets around 5 pm IST.
Start with a minimum 12 counts of Surya Namaskar and gradually increase it to 18 and then to 24 counts, practice this daily. Females should avoid it when menstruating.
2. Skipping
Skipping is a full body workout which uses your abdominals, legs, shoulders and arms for the entire activity. Helping your daily cardio needs improving your heart rate and blood pressure, improves stamina and focus.
3. Jumping Jacks
This one again is a full body workout, helping your daily cardio needs and this also helps you in burning fat. This can also help you in building muscles if done in a high quantity.
4. Shoulder stand or Sarvangasana-
Since the shoulder stand requires to go upside down, it naturally reverses the blood flow from the downward direction to the upward direction. When we come out of the posture, fresh blood flows to the entire body thereby improving blood circulation in the body. Resulting in improved concentration level and reduced stress.
5. Dance
Dancing in your favourite song will immediately boost your mood and you will feel very energetic and positive instantly. It releases a lot of happy hormones when you connect to your fav song. In general dancing is a great cardio which helps in weight management.
If you don’t have much time and are busy with the official or household works, then here is the good news for you: just give yourself 4 mins to do the planks.1 to 2 mins of the Full or Half plank, followed by the sides plank 1-2 mins.
7. Stretching
Stretching is a very effective and easy workout that increases your flexibility and improves your performance in physical activities and decreases your risk of injury. It is best when performed after cardio.
8. Pranayam
It is very important in the current situation as pranayama helps you to improve Lung’s stamina. It helps the lungs to function properly and is very useful for people who have breathing problems. Pranayam strengthens your immune system and relaxes the mind to make your stress free.
The good news is that you can get fitter without leaving your home, thanks to these exercises that require no equipment but just a MAT, even the skipping can be done without the skipping rope. If you need personal assistance talk to a personal trainer for an online class, but do not skip your workouts because we believe #Matisenough.
NOTE: Please read the do and don’ts before performing any form of workout.
Kiran Punj
Posted at 14:32h, 16 AprilThanks this seems really helpful