Many types of bloggers in India are getting fame these days with their continuous effort online. Few of those bloggers are also from Bangalore and here, we are going to talk about their popularity and what is so great about them.

  1. Shalini Chopra (stylish_by_nature)


stylish by nature

She is one of the best Indian fashion bloggers down south. She is interested in many things including food, fashion, lifestyle, travel and beauty. She was awarded with ‘Blogger of the Year 2018’ so you can imagine how popular she must be. Her Instagram profile has 384k followers and her own blog ‘Stylish By Nature’ is also comprised of many useful fashion and beauty trends.

  1. Nilu Yuleena Thapa (bighairloudmouth)



She loves to travel, make up and dressing up according to her Instagramprofile which has 124k followers. Her personal blog ‘Big Hair Loud Mouth’ has many travel and lifestyle stories, beauty tips and fashion trends to name a few. She has also won the Best Blogger Styling Award at Splash fashions.

  1. Divya Maben (divyamaben)



She is an avid blogger regarding fashion, food, beauty, travel and lifestyle. Having 116k followers on Instagram helps her to showcase all her knowledge and ability of dressing well so that the viewers get some idea and practice the same on themselves. Her blog ‘Divya Maben’ is also managed by her sister Deepa Maben where they share various fashion tips and trends.

  1. Sahana Ramanand (glamourjournals)



She is not only a lifestyle connoisseur but also a UX Designer. Her Instagram profile of 53.7k followers stays updated on a daily basis so that her users get to see the latest fashion trends anytime and everywhere.

  1. Nandini Swaminathan (sartorialsecretsofficial)



A fashion lover, Nandini is also a beautiful storyteller and beauty addict. With the help of 34.6k followers on Instagram, she ensures to keep posting and letting the viewers know about what’s hot in clothing and accessories.

  1. Smita Roy Majumdar (skullsandtulles)



Not just a fashion enthusiast but also a blogger, influencer and a libertarian, Smita is best at what she does. Her Instagram profile which has 24.2k followers is filled with many beautiful pictures of her with elegent clothes and dressing style. She is also the founder and creative head of her own blog ‘Skulls and Tulles’.

  1. Shreya Yadav (the_blunt_of_ombre)


the blunt of ombre

Being an arcgitecture student, Shreya chose to be a blogger and an influencer. Her instagram is filled with daily updates on clothing, lifestyle, travel and other stuffs which are followed by 24.2k followers of hers. She keeps her viewers engaged in her posts by clicking picturesque snaps.

  1. Harshitha Rudresh (little_missprim)


little missprim

One of the best bloggers in India, Harshithais blogger who loves travelling, beauty, fashion and lifestyle. Her 14.7k Instagram followers stick to her profile to see latest updates on fashion trends and lifestyle.

  1. Megha Kapoor (

She is not just a blogger, but also a stylist, fashion connoisseur, vlogger and co-founder of ‘Millennial Mode Label’. All her Instagram posts are about fashion, clothing, lifestyle and more which is liked by her 11.8k followers.

  1. Ritu Arya (ritu.arya)



Ritu is so many but one thing. She is a stylist, music enthusiast, aspiring fashion designer and also a creative/art director. Just take a look at her Instagram which has8566 followers and you will see wonderfully captured pictures and nature at its best.


So, keep up with the top fashion and travel bloggers in India and you will get an amazing insight into their world of wonders which will help you in great ways.